AUGUST 12, 5:00PM-7:30PM
Herrick Park in the Village of East Hampton, NY
Joanna Grover has been invited to join an incredible group of authors for a night of celebration to support East Hampton's library.
The East Hampton Library welcomes a distinguished group of authors at each year’s event, which garners significant regional and national media attention. Past participating authors include: Alan Alda, Martin Amis, David Baldacci, Alec Baldwin, Carl Bernstein, Christie Brinkley, Douglas Brinkley, Tina Brown, Ed Burns, Candace Bushnell, Robert A. Caro, Dick Cavett, Lee Child, Tom Clavin, Mary Higgins Clark, Michael Connelly, Katie Couric, Jeanine Cummins, Clive Davis, Sylvia Day, Andrea Elliott, A.J. Finn, Giada De Laurentiis, Mike Lupica, Nelson DeMille, E.L. Doctorow, Ina Garten, Alice Harris, A.M. Homes, Susan Isaacs, Eowyn Ivey, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Peter Marino, David Maraniss, Robert K. Massie, and many more!